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Wanna Hear a Story? Laura Lee Bahr Reads Her Short Story "Tame"

Laura Lee Bahr

A fish tank holds a red devil, blood parrot and flowerhorn cichlid.

They swim back and forth, forth and back.

A tiny leak at the bottom of the tank where the caulk, dried and cracked, has loosened from the glass, drips down the back of the stand where the tank lives to calm the almost hairless primates, who wait with creatures they own to see the all in one dentist, doctor, euthanizer.

A gold-eyed feline cries in its carrier while a beagle-mix on a leash sits on a lap, shaking all over.

They have nothing to say to each other – not cat, dog nor fish.

The fish don’t even notice what is beyond the glass, but cat and dog do not feel it is worth mentioning to the other any of the old speciest issues, considering the jam they’re in.

They know where they are is not a good place to be…

About Ghost Parachute

Ghost Parachute seeks to publish writing that is unapologetically bold. We wish to lose ourselves in fresh and vibrant imagery. We want to read what we’ve always known but were too afraid to say. We want to read a story unlike any other story we’ve read before. It’s easy to view the world in black and white, so Ghost Parachute paints a streak of gray. Great stories don’t ride the popular, easy narrative, and great characters are often impossible to love yet we love them anyway. We aim to unleash the spider behind the rose and dance in the surreal.

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